Crafty Mands

Chronicles of my obsession with all things crafty

Eh… October 6, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amanda @ 3:20 am

Yeah, I know, inspiring, huh?

I’ve been really sick all week and have gone to work, come home, gone almost straight to bed every night.

Tonight, however, I came home and knit and accomplished something. I split my Wicked. Now I have a body and sleeves. Yep…go me! I don’t have pictures b/c it’s late and the lighting is horrible, but I’m so excited. There are a couple of really obvious joins, but I’m trying to not let it bother me in the hopes that blocking will work wonders.

I’m destashing some needles over on Ravel-crack Ravelry . I also have some yarn up over there. I’m attempting to get it all together to post on the Destash for Cash site so look for that link in the next couple of days if you’re not on Ravelry yet. (What??? You’re not even signed up yet? What are you waiting for? Go sign up!)

MsLindz wrote a great post about destashing yarn and I couldn’t have said it better myself. When I first started knitting, I knit with whatever I could get my hands on. Now I’m a bit more discerning and go by the, “Knit with the best yarn you can afford” rule of thumb. Sometimes this means I knit with KnitPicks or Elann (both great brands, but very affordable) and sometimes this means I knit with Rowan or STR or other “name” brand yarns. What it boils down to is that some of the yarns I bought in the early days of my knitting just aren’t “me” anymore and so I’m making room for yarns that will be used and loved. It’s hard (b/c I’m a packrat), but it’s good for me.


Happy Birthday, Ms Lindz! October 2, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amanda @ 11:22 pm

It’s MsLindz’s birthday.  Go say hey!