Crafty Mands

Chronicles of my obsession with all things crafty

I made yarn! November 4, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amanda @ 5:10 pm

Nels (of Babe spinning wheel fame) sent me the part that I needed to fix my broken wheel and we’re up and spinning again.  I raided my basket of roving and spun up some Spunky roving that I got ages ago in the fiber club when I still belonged to it.

4 ounces of South African Fine in Cool Rain

I plied it the other day and set it and to my great amazement it’s pretty balanced.  I’m still searching for a pattern for about 200 yards of a light worsted.  Yeah…I was trying to spin a 2-ply fingering weight.  I don’t think I’m quite there yet!  LOL

Knitting has been on hold as my medicine has me feeling slightly light headed and I don’t really have any mindless knitting on the needles right now.

Have a happy Sunday!